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Work at Office Vitae


OfficeVitae, founded at the Delft University of Technology, provides an unique and integrated approach to gain real-time insights into the levels of Sustainability, Health & Vitality of (office) buildings. The OfficeVitae software platform was developed with leading scientists at the Technical University of Delft and combines Smart Indoor Environment IoT Sensors with building climate and energy analysis to measure, improve and if possible personalize the occupants work & living environments.


The challenge that we take on is: How can we create healthy and sustainable environments where occupants can have optimal comfort enabled by energy efficient solutions. In addition to office buildings we are also working on projects to improve Sustainability, Health & Vitality of other building environments, including schools, and residential houses. For these different challenges OfficeVitae works together with various partners and experts, for instance for installation, building management and with health improvement partners to offer concrete solutions to improve employee and occupant wellbeing in buildings.




OfficeVitae @Bouwcampus 


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